Farmacias Ahumada E-Commerce
Farmacias Ahumada specializes on getting the best prices for their customers on thousand of pharmacy and healthcare items. They are leaders in the chilean market as Farmacias ahumada and in the time this project was running, they had participation in mexico with Farmacias Benavides and was part of the Walgreens Boots Alliance.
Farmacias Ahumada has an existing website and they were in need to increase revenue and overall user experience, they had a big shopping-cart drop rate and they were looking to revert that, add some new features they had on their roadmap and the same time to improve overall UX all across the site.
My Role
The site was initially created by a third party with no UI-UX approach in mind so there were some flaws that needed to be corrected. The team and i went through a design thinking approach to redesign the experience of the site without starting back from scratch, using what was working and improve the weakest areas, like the checkout process. I worked on the Ahumada Design System to have all elements and components standardized in order to allow us scale up the web app.
The site was revised and went to a v2, improving:
Home page
Product detail page
Category & subcategory pages
Search results pages
Checkout process
Some new features were added like the subscription option on selected products, geolocation selector using device location to help improve the user experience, loyalty card options and a redesigned checkout.
All this new and existing features were heavily tested by our team and Ahumada's team leaving us on several rounds of iteration until desired output was achieved.
Project involved the use of Adobe XD as the main prototyping tool, using it's internal live prototype tools to showcase to the client and users. The hand off was shared to the development team using Zeplin app. For vector design, Adobe Illustrator was the predominant tool and for photo manipulation it was Adobe Photoshop.
Final Thoughts
Ahumada's project was a tough, challenging but highly rewarding project were i got to experience how does a big e-commerce site works.