Willis Towers Watson

Willis Towers Watson (WTW) is a British-American multinational company that provides commercial insurance brokerage services, strategic risk management services (such as contingency planning, security audits, and product tampering plans), employee benefits and compensation management, and actuarial analysis and investment management for pension plans and financial endowments.

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WTW was in need to help the huge delayed backlog they had on their hands, as well as more hands to help with their new products design and implementations of their new design system.

My Role

First part of this project was to help clear the huge backlog WTW had in their closet for a long time for the Axis app. Most of these tasks were accessibility related and were solved having in consideration the WCAG 2.0 and to comply with some government mandatory accessibility standards. Tasks included to create AA & AAA contrast on text and graphics, misaligned sections of the app when zoomed at 400%, designed order for screen readers.

Second part of the project was the continuation of the accessibility tasks and some additional features to the Axis app like a notifications options so the user won't get bugged with tons of emails. The requirement was to improve the quality of the notifications by email the users were getting. The final design was tested within our teams and within WTW teams leading to several rounds of iterations until the desired workflow was approved and the user will have the information they need, they way they need it.

Third part of the project was to recreate current Axis screens into their brand new design system. One of the main problem WTW had with their existing design was that the past version of them didn't have A11Y in mind so there were a lot of issues in the first place, this new versions helped to resolve this problem as well as the recommendations we gace and implement based on our previous experience.

Final Thoughts

Past experience played a crucial part on this project, using, implementing and maintaining design systems is no easy task but is very rewarding in the short-term future.